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COMPLETED EVENT: 26th Space Coast Open Chess Festival

Evan Dyson

About the 26th Space Coast Open Chess Festival 

An event created by chess players for chess players! 

This page last updated April 28, 2019. Online entry is closed.

Dates: April 26-28, 2019 or April 27-28, 2019

Confirmed Titled Players:

GM Oleksandr Bortnyk

GM Julio Becerra

IM Yunier Leyva

IM Justin Sarkar

SM John Ludwig

Past Space Coast Open Champions:

2018 – GM Hedinn Steingrimsson

2017 – GM Timur Gareyev

2016 – GM Andrey Stukopin, GM Julio Becerra (tie)

2015 – GM Julio Becerra

2014 – GM Mikheil Kekelidze, IM Alex Reprintsev, IM Javad Maharramzade (tie)

2013 – IM Nikolay Andrianov, GM Alex Yermolinsky (tie)

2012 – IM Javad Maharramzade

2011 – GM Julio Becerra

2010 – NM Eric Rodriguez

2009 – NM Jeffrey Haskel

2008 – IM Javad Maharramzade

2007 (Wojtkiewicz Memorial) – GM Alex Stripunsky

2006 – GM Aleks Wojtkiewicz

2005 – GM Julio Becerra

2004 – GM Aleks Wojtkiewicz

2003 – GM Aleks Wojtkiewicz

2002 – GM Aleks Wojtkiewicz

2001 – GM Sergey Kudrin

2000 – IM Virgil Grabliauskes, IM Blas Lugo, NM Marcel Martinez, GM Gennady Sagalchik (tie)

1999 – IM Rashid Ziatdinov

1998 – NM Fabio La Rota

1997 – GM Sergey Kudrin

1995 – GM Gabriel Schwartzman

1992 – NM Mikhail Braude

1991 – Bruce Koopmans

USCF Grand Prix Points: 100

Master Section FIDE Rated (USCF ratings used for pairings and prizes)

5 round Swiss System, Top section FIDE rated at G/90+30 seconds increment. All other sections but Class E/U1200 G/120 d5, Class E/U1200 G/90 d5 (2-day Rd. 1 for all sections G/60 d5).

International Palms Resort, 1300 North Atlantic Avenue. (Hwy A1A), Cocoa Beach, FL 32931. 

$$20,000 b/240 paid, $15,000 Guaranteed   


6 Sections:

1. Master/Expert (open to rated 2000 and higher) $$2000+trophy-1000-500-400, U2400 $1500+trophy-750, U2200 $1400+trophy-700-400.

2. Class A (open to 1600-1999) $$1200+trophy-600-300-200.

3. Class B (open to 1400-1799) $$1100+trophy-500-300-200.

4. Class C (open to 1200-1599) $$1000+trophy-500-300-200.

5. Class D (open to 800-1399) $$900+trophy-450-200-100.

6. Class E/U1200 (open to under 1200) $$800+trophy-400-200. U1000 $500+trophy-300.  U800 $400+trophy-200. Trophies to top scholastic players in grades K-3, K-5, K-8,


Special Prizes.

Top Senior Prizes: Among all sections, must be at least 60 on Apr. 26. Seniors qualifying for both a section prize and the senior prize will be awarded only one prize (larger of the two). $250+trophy-150-100.

Top Upsets: Rds 1-4: Book Prize

Wojtkiewicz Brilliancy Prizes: 1st $200, 2nd $100, 3rd $50 (Judge: IM Javad Maharramzade)

Master/Expert Section Modified Sofia Rule: No draw offers permitted prior to move 30.

All, Fine Print:

Players in Master section are required to turn in completed scoresheets at completion of each round (Reference USCF Rule 15G). Rated players may play in eligible sections as show in above Section prize details. Unrated may play in any section but may not win over $300 prize or trophy unless place prize (1st-4th overall) in Master/Expert section.

½-point Bye available any round if requested in advance and before round 2 (limit 2).  No Smoking. No computers. Wheelchair accessible.

Players may not use or watch cellphones during play. Continental Chess Association rules and penalties will apply. See

Entry Fee:

$114 by 4/21, $20 more later or on-site. $20 discount if unrated or under age 18.

Special EF for Brevard County students in K-12 playing in any section: $25 on-line by 4/21, $10 more later or at site (counts as ¼ entry for based on prize fund).

GMs and IMs free entry available on-line until 3/31, else $114 from prize.  Free entry to past Master Section winners listed above (GM/IMs enter on-line; Other past Champions e-mail your name, playing schedule & Byes requested to

Re-entries $60 by round 3 (½ point Byes for missed rounds).

Indicate 2-day or 3-day when mailing entry. Entries not indicating which schedule is desired will be placed in the 2-day schedule.

Registration ends ½ hr before 1st round (ends 7 p.m. Friday or 9:30 a.m. Saturday).

Rounds:       Rd. 1 7:30 p.m. Fri (2-day: 10a.m. Sat at G/60, d5),

Rd. 2 1:15 p.m. Sat.

Rd. 3 6:30 p.m. Sat. (except for Class E/U1200 which is at 5:45 p.m.)

Rd. 4 9:30 a.m. Sunday

Rd. 5 2:30 p.m. Sunday (except for Class E/U1200 which is at 1:45 p.m.)

Hotel Rate: $109, Oceanside $129, Loft $149 (corrected). Resort fee waived. Reservations: Hotel phone number 800-206-2747 or 321-392-1647. Restaurants, bar & grill, pool, beach, beach volleyball, beach rentals.  Plus many other restaurants nearby. Group code SCCF19. Group rate is available for 3 days before and after the tournament. VERY IMPORTANT: Reserve early. Group rate available until April 12 (updated) or until Group rooms are sold out, whichever comes first.  The group rate is unlikely to be available after the cut-off date. RESERVE EARLY.

Side events:

Space Coast Open Blitz (USCF rated). G/5 d0. Prizes: Cash prizes based on entries. EF $20 (enter and pay at tournament site). Blitz starts at 10:15 pm Saturday.

Worldwide Broadcast: the top 6 boards will be broadcast on the Internet.

Free Master and GM lectures:

- Saturday: 10am: SM John Ludwig

- Saturday: 11am: NM Nick Moore

- Sunday: 1:30pm (approx.): GM Julio Becerra

Books and Equipment by Orlando Chess & Games. Friday – Sunday

Send Entries payable to: “Space Coast Chess Foundation, Inc.”, c/o Jon Haskel, 2385 NW Executive Center Dr., #100, Boca Raton, FL 33431. PLEASE: no phone or e-mail entries. Credit Card entry available via this web site only ( ADVANCE ON-LINE REGISTRATION ENDS April 21, LATE ON-LINE REGISTRATION ENDS 6 PM APRIL 26. Otherwise, you may enter at the site.

General Info: Jon Haskel 561-302-4377 (

Register Now!

Please select the registration link that matches your situation:

For most players (if not eligible for any of the discounts below), use this main registration link:


For Players who are Unrated or are Under Age 18 ($20 discount off regular registration):


Special EF for Brevard County students in K-12 playing in any section (local donors / sponsorships subsidize entry fee):


Looking for the list of pre-registered players? The combined list is not yet available, but you can click on each of the three “Pre-registrations here” links above to see all players who registered on-line. Mailed entries are not included.

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