Note: This event for 2023 concluded on May 21st, 2023. To see the final standings for each section of the 28th Space Coast Open Chess Festival, click here!

!! Congratulations to the winners of the 28th open !!
Masters/Expert section: GM Jianchao Zhou
Class A: Jolie Huang
Class B: Kyle Knapp
Class C: Armandas Ledas
Class D: Tomas Martinez
Class E: Charlotte Huynh
All About the 28th Space Coast Open Chess Festival
For our 2023 Space Coast Open brochure, click the pdf:
May 19-21, 2023 or May 20-21, 2023
Radisson Resort at the Port, 8701 Astronaut Boulevard, Cape Canaveral, Florida 32920. Hotel room booking link below.
Prize money:
$20,000 with 240 paid players, $15,000 Guaranteed
Master/Expert and Class A Sections:
FIDE Rated (USCF ratings used for pairings and prizes) 5 round Swiss System, G/90+30 second increment for all sections except Class E/U1200, which is G/90 d5 (2-day Rd. 1 for all sections G/60 d5).
USCF Grand Prix Points: 80
6 Sections:
1. Master/Expert (minimum USCF or FIDE rating of 2000 required) $$2000+trophy-1000-600-300, U2400 $1500+trophy-750, U2200 $1400+trophy-700-500.
2. Class A (open to 1600-1999) $$1200+trophy-600-300-200.
3. Class B (open to 1400-1799) $$1100+trophy-500-300-200.
4. Class C (open to 1200-1599) $$1000+trophy-500-300-200.
5. Class D (open to 800-1399) $$900+trophy-500-300-200.
6. Class E/U1200 (open to under 1200; unrated only eligible for place prizes) $$800+trophy-450-250. U1000 $550+trophy-300. U800 $400+trophy-200. Trophies to top scholastic players in grades K-3, K-5, K-8, K-12 (all students eligible).
Special Prizes:
Top Upsets: Rds 1-4: Book Prize. Limit one per player.
Wojtkiewicz Brilliancy Prizes: 1st $200, 2nd $100, 3rd $50 (Judge: IM Javad Maharramzade)
Book Prizes to oldest player, youngest player, player who has traveled the longest distance, player who has played in the most Space Coast Opens.
Some details and rules:
Chess set and boards not provided but a chess vendor will be on-site.
Players in Master/Expert and Class A sections are required to turn in white copies of completed scoresheets at completion of each round.
Master/Expert Section Modified Sofia Rule: No draw offers permitted prior to move 30.
Rated players may play in eligible sections as shown in above Section prize details. Unrated may play in any section except Master/Expert but may not win over $300 prize or trophy. Unrated not eligible for U1000 or U800 prizes.
½-point Bye available any round if requested in advance and before round 2 (limit 2).
No Smoking. No computers. No electronic devices during play. Wheelchair accessible.
No food or outside beverages are allowed in the playing hall or any of the other meeting rooms used for the chess tournament and side activities.
COVID-19 POLICY: Masks are optional. At the discretion of the organizer, based on evolving health conditions, masks may be required. Any changes to the mask guidance will be posted to this website.
Entry Fee:
$114 early bird by 4/21, $134 by 5/12, $144 later, $150 on-site. $20 discount if unrated or under age 18.
Special EF for Brevard County students in K-12 playing in any section: $30 by 5/12, $40 later, $45 on-site (counts as ¼ entry for based on prize fund).
GMs and IMs free entry if register by 4/21, else $134 from prize. Free entry to past Master Section winners listed here (GM/IMs and past Champions e-mail your name, playing schedule & Byes requested to
Re-entries $60.
Indicate 2-day or 3-day when mailing entry. Entries not indicating which schedule is desired will be placed in the 2-day schedule.
$10 service charge for refunds.
Registration ends ½ hr before 1st round (ends 7 p.m. Friday or 9:30 a.m. Saturday; ½ point Bye available for later entries).
By mail, online, or at tournament site.
Credit Card entry available via website only. Early bird entry (no increase from 2019) ends April 21. See Entry Fee info above for full details.
Send mailed entries payable to: “Space Coast Chess Foundation, Inc.”, c/o Jon Haskel, 7050 W. Palmetto Park Rd, #15-550, Boca Raton, FL 33433.
Round times:
Rd. 1 7:30 p.m. Fri (2-day: 10a.m. Sat at G/60, d5),
Rd. 2 1:15 p.m. Sat.
Rd. 3 6:30 p.m. Sat. (except for Class E/U1200 which is at 5:45 p.m.)
Rd. 4 9:30 a.m. Sunday
Rd. 5 2:30 p.m. Sunday (except for Class E/U1200 which is at 1:45 p.m.)
Rate: $199, Standard, $229 Suite. No resort fee. Free parking.
By phone call the hotel reservationist direct at 321-868-6573 or the Radisson Central reservationists at 800-333-3333 and mention group name: Space Coast Chess Foundation.
Online reservations can be made using our group link: Radisson-Resort-Space-Coast-Open-Reservations. Update the displayed default reservation dates with your desired dates and the available room types, along with our group rate, will display. Group code, SCCHES, will be pre-filled when using above link. Group rate is available for 2 days before and 3 days after the tournament (subject to availability). VERY IMPORTANT: Reserve early. Group rate available until April 28th or until Group rooms are sold out, whichever comes first. Hotel expects to sell out. The group rate is *unlikely* to be available after the cut-off date. RESERVE EARLY.
Alternate hotels: There are numerous hotels in the Cocoa Beach area within a 5-10 minute drive of the Radisson with rates between $100-200. They can be easily found in search engines such as Expedia and Kayak. You must reserve early – prices will go up and rooms will sell out as the tournament date approaches.
Blitz tournament:
Space Coast Open Blitz (USCF rated). 4 round Swiss System, 2 games per round (play white and black against each opponent). G/3 d2. Cash prizes based on entries. EF $20, $30 if not playing in main tournament (enter and pay at tournament site). Blitz starts at 7:30 pm Sunday.
Simultaneous exhibition with Sam Shankland:
GM Sam Shankland simultaneous exhibition will be Saturday May 20th at 9AM!
Email TD Jon Haskel at for registration.
Free Master and GM lectures:
Sunday at 12:45PM:
GM Sam Shankland will be doing a lecture and a book signing!
Worldwide Broadcast:
The top boards will be broadcast on lichess with live commentary by WGM Sabina Foisor!
You can follow along at this Twitch link:
Books and Equipment:
Orlando Chess & Games will be vending Friday – Sunday
Contact for general info:
Jon Haskel 561-302-4377 (
Register Now!
Please select the registration link that matches your situation:
For most players (if not eligible for any of the discounts below), use this main registration link
Register for the Space Coast Open at the regular rate by clicking here
See list of pre-registrations here
For Players who are Unrated or are Under Age 18 ($20 discount off regular registration):
Register for Unrated or Under Age 18 discount by clicking here
See list of pre-registrations here
Special entry fee for Brevard County students in K-12 playing in any section (local donors / sponsorships subsidize entry fee):
Register for special Brevard County student rate by clicking here
See list of pre-registrations here
Looking for the list of pre-registered players? The combined list is not yet available, but you can click on each of the 3 “pre-registrations here’ links above to see all players who registered online. Mailed entries are not included.